Vacancy Facility company / technical service

Would you also like to contribute to the Brabantsedag? At various locations in and around Heeze we can use both organizational talent and strong hands for the Brabantsedag.

We are looking for volunteers who have practical insight and can coordinate all kinds of things before, during and/or after the Brabant Day. A lot also needs to be planned and built up.

How much time this takes is up to you. Even if you only have a few hours available in August and September: don't hesitate to contact us. Your help is more than welcome!


Is this volunteer job for you or do you have any questions? Please contact Gerda Cobben (secretariat Brabantsedag) quickly, mentioning: vacancy facilities company general

Phone number: 040 226 3139
Postal address: Stichting Brabantsedag, Postbus 72, 5590 AB Heeze

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