€ 15,00

Brabantsedag Aniversary book 60 years of Brabantsedag

For the 60th anniversary of Brabantsedag, the book "60 Years of Themed Representation" has been released. This splendid book provides an overview of the translation of themes into posters.

Various volunteers from the Brabantsedag Foundation brought this book to life, covering the themes that guided all those magnificent parades and related activities over 60 years.

Credits go to: Klaasje Douma (archive research), Irene Visschers (interviews), Mark Damen (visual material), Astrid Huis (portrait photos), Irma van Bommel and Geert Hamers (text editing), Cees van Arendonk (project leader). Design and production by tableaux mediamakers.

The book was made possible with the support of the Stichting Vrienden Brabantsedag.

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€ 15,00